#1 Geronimo Stilton And The Kingdom Of Fantasy

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這次,Geronimo Stilton在閣樓內發現了一道金光閃閃的樓梯,它通往一個奇妙的新國度Kingdom of Fantasy,他要拯救仙子皇后,又要尋找失蹤的寶藏,維護王國的和諧,他乘坐著魔法鳳凰,出盡法寶對付巨大蠍子、毒蛇、小妖精、巫師,還有很多的古怪生物……一幕幕奇妙的驚險旅程,讓小讀者們跟隨著在各故事場境中追逐穿插,解開了不同的疑團,好不刺激!

老鼠記者叢書起源於意大利的冒險偵探小說,十多年來瘋魔全球各國小讀者,被翻譯成35種語言。 勇敢的記者Geronimo和他的朋友們周遊列國, 經歷一個個奇妙的冒險,故事充滿了幽默、冒險、神秘和刺激緊張,還有eye-catching的字體和鮮艷悅目的插圖,是吸引抗拒閱讀大量文字的小讀者,作為他們從圖畫書過渡到小說的理想選擇。

故事簡介 :

Join Geronimo for his biggest, most fabumouse adventure yet! Dragons, mermaids, and much, much more await readers in this very special edition! I knew from the start that it was no ordinary day, but I certainly didn't expect to find a golden staircase in my attic. Up at the top, there was a door. And beyond the door was a world I never could have imagined -- the Kingdom of Fantasy! Along with my guide, a frog named Scribblehopper, I set off on an incredible adventure to save the Queen of the Fairies. But along the way, I had to face giant scorpions, witches, sea serpents, pixies, and dozens of other creatures that I had only ever heard stories about. Holey cheese, what a journey! Could I save the Queen . . . and my own tail?

書本尺寸 : 13.7 x 19.3 厘米

頁數:約 320 頁